Advice and guidance
If you are facing a difficult problem and need some information or help you can contact our staff. We can help you in a wide variety of areas, or give you information on where to get further help. However, we can not give long term individual follow up or give our visitors any financial aid.
Our counsellor Sebastian Ketema-Schwalbach can help you in such ares as registrering with the UDI or Norwegian tax office, labour rights, school and kindergarten, child welfareNAV or other minor legal questions.
Contact her by phone on 940 31 614 or by e-mail to to make an appointment.
Are you planning on moving to Norway to look for work?
If you want to move to Norway to find a job there are many things you should know and prepare. It’s not wise to leave for Norway without concrete knowledge of the job market, having made any contacts, found a place to live and more. The costs of living in Norway are also very high, and you risk wasting a lot of time, money and resources if you travel unprepared. We have made a pamphlet with information that can be useful to EU and EEA citizens who wish to move to Norway, you’ll find it under the text in several languages. Do you have any more questions about working and labour rights in Norway? Contact Ingrid at 940 31 614 or by e-mail to
Coming to Norway to Work? (English)
Til Norge for å jobbe? (Norsk)